Unknown Clubs
We have received numerous photos of clubs, who sadly have been lost to time we have no information regarding them, sometimes only a year. If you are able to put a name to them they will then get their own listing.
(From the Penry Davies Collection courtesy of Nick Barnicoat)#01
(From the Penry Davies Collection courtesy of Nick Barnicoat)#02
(From the Penry Davies Collection courtesy of Nick Barnicoat)#15
(From the Penry Davies Collection courtesy of Nick Barnicoat)#01
Information Required
Competitng in both aspects of the sport they were very successful on the indoor circuit, winning for themselves and as England (ER) representatives:
World Titles 1 (ER)
UK Titles 2 (ER)
National Titles 13
AAA's Titles 7
The club is still active.
World Games Open Club Competition, Copthall Stadium, London (Front to Back) (Courtesy of The Martin Mulcahy Collection)#01
Association National Championships, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. 600K Team Front to Back: (Courtesy of the Peter Craft Collection)#05
TWIF World Indoor Club Championships, Torbay, Devon, England ? Front to Back: (Courtesy of The Robbie Gale Collection)#04
World Games Open Club Competition, Copthall Stadium, London (Front to Back) (Courtesy of The Martin Mulcahy Collection)#01