This Kent based Club, became one of the top sides in England during the early 80's.
Winning many honours at home and abroad as England representatives.
World Titles 1 (ER)
UK Titles 3 (ER)
National Titles 3
AAA's Titles 2
Inter County Titles 1
Association National Championships, Gloucester. 720K Champions (Front to Back): Chris DeWhalley, Rob Lewis, Terry Sucklin, Gary Strevens, John Potter, Vic Ludkin, Alan Ludkin, Eddie Hutchinson, Bill Sawyer (Coach). (Courtesy of The Dave Kitchener Collection)#09
Association National Championships, Gloucester. 720K Champions (Front to Back): Chris DeWhalley, Rob Lewis, Terry Sucklin, Gary Strevens, John Potter, Vic Ludkin, Alan Ludkin, Eddie Hutchinson, Bill Sawyer (Coach). (Courtesy of the ToWA)#08
Mildenhall Eagles Open Competition, Suffolk Catchweight Team (Front to Back) Chris DeWhalley, Carl Smith, Terry Sucklin, Gary Strevens, John Potter, Vic Ludkin, Alan Ludkin, Eddie Hutchinson (Courtesy of The Martin Mulcahy Collection)#06
Association National Championships, Gloucester. 720K Champions (Front to Back): Chris DeWhalley, Rob Lewis, Terry Sucklin, Gary Strevens, John Potter, Vic Ludkin, Alan Ludkin, Eddie Hutchinson, Bill Sawyer (Coach). (Courtesy of The Dave Kitchener Collection)#09
Golden Valley
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One of the many teams from Sussex.
Hove Dairy Festival 1969 (Courtesy of the David Beale Collection)#01
Hove Dairy Festival 1969 (Courtesy of the David Beale Collection)#01
G & R
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UK Titles 1 (ER)
National Titles 1
TWIF European Open Championships, Wexford, Ireland. 560k Team (Front to Back) (Courtesy of The Dave Kitchener Collection)#01
UK Championships, Jersey Representing as England B 600K Silver (Front to Back): (From the Penry Davies Collection courtesy of Nick Barnicoat)#06
UK Championships, Antrim, N. Ireland Representing England 600K Champions Back Row: Front Row: (Courtesy of the ToWA) #03
TWIF European Open Championships, Wexford, Ireland. 560k Team (Front to Back) (Courtesy of The Dave Kitchener Collection)#01